How to identify the bad fuel injector?

Whether you belong to commercial vehicle management or the construction industry, you undoubtedly encounter the machines with the diesel engine. The diesel engine is being used widely due to its features like it offers fuel efficiency, reliability, power, performance and lower carbon emissions than gasoline. So, this blog is going to be very helpful for you to get a better understanding on the fuel injection system. The diesel fuel injector has a very important role in the engine. It pressurizes diesel fuel and pumps it through a fixed or electronically controlled aperture (opening). It delivers the fuel to the engine in the form of spray or mist to make it easier to burn than a heavy stream. The mist also burns more efficiently and evenly. The diesel fuel injection includes a Fuel Injection Pump, high-pressure pipe, injection nozzle, feed pump, fuel filter. It also includes fuel sediment at the bottom of the filter to separate water content from the fuel. Due to the viscosity pro...