Do you know the signs of clogged or dirty fuel injectors? Check How to clean it.

 The diesel fuel injector is a very essential component of the diesel engine. By pressurizing and injecting the fuel through a fixed or electronically controlled aperture, the system forces it into the air that has been compressed to high pressure in the combustion chamber. This delivers fuel to the engine in the form of a spray. The diesel fuel injection includes a Fuel Injection Pump, high-pressure pipe, injection nozzle, feed pump, fuel filter, and fuel sediment at the bottom of the filter to separate water content from the fuel.

But, when the fuel injection system doesn’t clean or maintained properly then the process of fuel injection becomes inefficient or could even lead to engine failure. However, it is observed majorly that the most common issues that lead to inefficiency or diesel engine failure include clogged and dirty fuel injectors and water or air in the fuel injection system.

As we all know the fact that the diesel is more viscous than gas, so if the diesel comes in touch with dirt, it holds the dirt particles and debris in the suspension. This is the only reason to keep the fuel and fuel injector cup set clean. Moreover, If the fuel injectors are clogged or dirty, the fuel may dribble out instead of spraying a fine strong, and fine mist. And It could be a reason for engine breakdown.

Signs of Clogged and Dirty Fuel Injector

Tracktech suggests several signs that show the fuel injector is clogged & dirty, some of them are as follows:

  • Takes time to start the engine

  • The engine doesn’t start or miss self-start

  • Rough idling

  • Throttle hesitation

  • Fuel Mileage decreased exponentially

  • Poor performance of Engine

  • Black smoke comes out from the exhaust manifold

  • Pre-ignition sound.

It is also to be noted that the cracked or broken parts of fuel injector hold down clamps may also cause similar problems that amount due to clogged and dirty fuel injectors.

Tips to maintain the fuel injectors

In order to maintain the fuel injectors the following tips are considered the best:

  • Read the vehicle service manual and follow the next tips.

  • Change the engine oil as per the engine’s requirement or after a short interval.

  • Replace Oil Filters on each service of your engine.

  • Use high-quality additives to protect your Powerstroke Fuel Injector Cup Kit.

  • Depressurize your fuel injection system.

  • Remove the sensor wire plugs from the fuel filter.

  • Drain the excess diesel from the engine with the help of the drain valve.

  • Open & Unscrew the fuel filter.

  • Lubricate the new fuel injector with the help of clean diesel fuel and place it into the fuel filter using grease or other lubricant substance.

  • Close drain valves and Tighten the screw using a fuel filter tool.

  • Place wire plugs in the fuel filter.

  • Turn Engine On and check for any leakage, if found stop the engine and resolve the problem.


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